# VsCode插件快捷键

Awesome Flutter Snippets

快捷输入 扩展 说明
statelessW Stateless Widget 创建无状态小部件
statefulW Stateful Widget 创建有状态小部件
build Build Method 描述窗口小部件表示的用户界面部分。
initS InitState 将此对象插入树中时调用。 框架将为它创建的每个 State 对象调用此方法一次。
dis Dispose 永久地从树中删除此对象时调用。 当此 State 对象永远不会再次构建时,框架将调用此方法。
reassemble Reassemble 在调试期间重新组装应用程序时调用,例如在热重新加载期间
didChangeD didChangeDependencies 在此State对象的依赖项更改时调用
didUpdateW didUpdateWidget Called whenever the widget configuration changes.
customClipper Custom Clipper Used for creating custom shapes
customPainter Custom Painter Used for creating custom paint
listViewB ListView.Builder Creates a scrollable, linear array of widgets that are created on demand.Providing a non-null itemCount improves the ability of the ListView to estimate the maximum scroll extent.
customScrollV Custom ScrollView Creates a ScrollView that creates custom scroll effects using slivers. If the primary argument is true, the controller must be null.
streamBldr Stream Builder Creates a new StreamBuilder that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with the specified stream
animatedBldr Animated Builder Creates an Animated Builder. The widget specified to child is passed to the builder
statefulBldr Stateful Builder Creates a widget that both has state and delegates its build to a callback. Useful for rebuilding specific sections of the widget tree.
oriantationBldr Orientation Builder Creates a builder which allows for the orientation of the device to be specified and referenced
layoutBldr Layout Builder Similar to the Builder widget except that the framework calls the builder function at layout time and provides the parent widget's constraints.
singleChildSV Single Child Scroll View Creates a scroll view with a single child
futureBldr Future Builder Creates a Future Builder. This builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Future.
nosm No Such Method This method is invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
inheritedW Inherited Widget Class used to propagate information down the widget tree.
mounted Mounted Whether this State object is currently in a tree.
snk Sink A Sink is the input of a stream.
strm Stream A source of asynchronous data events. A stream can be of any data type.
toStr To String Returns a string representation of this object.
debugP Debug Print Prints a message to the console, which you can access using the flutter tool's logs command (flutter logs).
importM Material Package Import Material package.
importC Cupertino Package Import Cupertino package.
mateapp Material App Create a new Material App.
cupeapp Cupertino Package Create a New Cupertino App.
最后更新时间: 7/7/2019, 2:21:47 PM