# Flutter

# 指令

指令 作用
analyze Analyze the project's Dart code.
attach Attach to a running application.
bash-completion Output command line shell completion setup scripts.
build Flutter build commands.
channel List or switch flutter channels.
clean Delete the build/ directory.
config Configure Flutter settings.
create Create a new Flutter project.
devices List all connected devices.
doctor Show information about the installed tooling.
drive Runs Flutter Driver tests for the current project.
emulators List, launch and create emulators.
format Format one or more dart files.
help Display help information for flutter.
install Install a Flutter app on an attached device.
logs Show log output for running Flutter apps.
make-host-app-editable Moves host apps from generated directories to non-generated.directories so that they can be edited by developers.
packages Commands for managing Flutter packages.
precache Populates the Flutter tool's cache of binary artifacts.
run Run your Flutter app on an attached device.
screenshot Take a screenshot from a connected device.
stop Stop your Flutter app on an attached device.
test Run Flutter unit tests for the current project.
trace Start and stop tracing for a running Flutter app.
upgrade Upgrade your copy of Flutter.
指令 作用
:--: :---:
analyze 分析项目的 Dart 代码.
attach 附加到正在运行的应用程序.
bash-completion 输出命令行 shell 完成设置脚本.
build Flutter 构建命令.
channel 列出或切换颤振通道.
clean 删除 build/ directory.
config 配置 Flutter 设置.
create 创建一个 flutter 项目.
devices 可使用的设备.
doctor 诊断电脑环境配置缺少项.
drive 运行当前项目的 Flutter Driver 测试.
emulators 列出,启动和创建模拟器.
format 格式化一个或多个 dart 文件.
help 帮助.
install 在连接的设备上安装 Flutter 应用程序.
logs 显示运行 Flutter 应用程序的日志输出.
make-host-app-editable 将主机应用程序从生成的目录移动到非生成目录,以便开发人员可以编辑它们.
packages 用于管理 Flutter 包的命令.
precache 填充 Flutter 工具的二进制工件缓存.
run 启动项目.
screenshot 从连接的设备截取屏幕截图.
stop 在连接的设备上停止 Flutter 应用.
test 运行当前项目的 Flutter 单元测试.
trace 启动和停止正在运行的 Flutter 应用程序的跟踪.
upgrade 升级您的 Flutter 环境.
source ~/.bash_profile
最后更新时间: 7/8/2019, 9:38:19 AM